Here are some recommendations and details on things to keep in mind for your next trip. Having a guide when you take a trip and learning a little more about us will allow you to have a clearer idea of ​​the experience you want to have. That is why we present you 4 items with precise information about an online reservation.

Choose an exact date

Choose an appropriate date according to your time available to get to know Peru, and if we talk specifically about the city of Cusco, there are two seasons that occur, the first is the rainy season that occurs in the months of December to April and the dry season that occurs in the months of May to November, for this reason we recommend that your visit be more in dry seasons, since you will be able to enjoy hot weather and you will be able to see the archaeological centers in a better way, however, you can also The rainy season is also a good option for those who love this climate.

Reserve your trip

When you are sure of the date of your trip, you must enter the Salkantay Trek website and search among the options for the Booking that allows you to make your reservation by filling in your personal data, following and mentioning the type of route that you will make or what tourist attraction you want to visit, when you have completed all the information requested, you can read and accept the terms and conditions that are detailed and advance a payment amount so that it is fully reserved for your trip.

Contact an advisor

If you wish to communicate with us, there is the Contact Us option on the page where the agency’s location is mentioned, the telephone number (+51) 084 253 617 for reservations, the cell phone number 970 506 205, as well as the email, where you can write to us. Our attention is 24/7, so we will always be attentive and ready for any questions, queries and clarifications about any tour that is offered, our itineraries and other information that you need to know.

More information

We have two emergency telephone numbers which are (+51) 970 506 205 in charge of our collaborator Edgar. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account that you must consider the urgency of your consultation for said calls corresponding to said numbers.

In case of non-urgent inquiries, calls can be made from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

In case of queries regarding a specific program, you can send us an email to attend you directly about the entire tour and the travel plan until its completion.

The 90% of the packages we do are made so that clients end up combining 3 or 4 tours of their choice, with accommodation/transportation, etc. that fit your exact needs. Dates and interests are something we work hard on to provide a quality service, so if you are considering this or wondering what is possible, please contact us directly.

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