Celebrities who visited Cusco
Hundreds of thousands of people visit Machu Picchu each year. Some hike the Inca Trail, some take the bus; some stand and take it all in while others are too busy trying to take the perfect photo. It’s an easy place to remain anonymous — unless, of course, you’re of that rare breed known as “The Celebrity.”
Che Guevara (1952)
When the asthma-hobbled medical student named Ernesto Guevara departed Buenos Aires on a motorbike with his buddy Alberto Granado, the men planned to tour South America looking for fun and adventure. Along the way, however, Guevara picked up both a new nickname and a deep connection to the indigenous peoples of the continent, Peru in particular. In the book he wrote about the trip, The Motorcycle Diaries, he describes a visit he made at Machu Picchu, which he calls “a pure expression of the most powerful indigenous race in the Americas.”
Leonardo DiCaprio (2003)
So far, after his visit he did not write any books. But we have some his photos from there.
2007 Cameron Diaz
Bill Gates in Cusco
Richard Gere (2010)
Jim Carrey (2011)
Matthew McConaughey (2012)
know more about your travel destination in Peru, the best tourist destinations such as Cusco city and Machu Picchu, Arequipa and Colca Canyon, Puno and Lake Titicaca. besides other interesting for your trip to Peru issues.
No doubt that Machu Picchu has become the hot spot. In recent years, the television cameras and flashes captured various artists, athletes and politicians in the sanctuary, who were delighted by its beauty and mysticism. Fingerprints do a count of the celebrities who visited the Inca citadel, considered one of the wonders of the world.